Pages INFO


A lot of people want to do some sport but they often lack motivation. And what could be better motivation than buddy who will force you to run even in bad weather or friend who will shout at you while you will be pulling up 150 kg dumbbell? smiley

However not everyone knows people who like the same types of sport or who can do sports at the same time.

Find Your Sparring is solution.

This website is designed to help people find suitable sport partners.




1 – When you come to this website, you can see following page layout:

  • Changing sliders with logo and „Register“ / „Login“ buttons
  • Under these sliders is simple menu with options described in next chapter
  • Main page area contains list of activities and „fast filters“
  • At the bottom of the page are links to sections with further information (License Terms, Cookies Policy etc.)



Home page is default page of this website.

1 – When no filter is set up on the Home page you can see all activities sorted by date and time of creating.

2 – Activities in green frame are „Highlighted“ and they are at the beginning of list of activities

3 – On the left side of Home page is „fast filter“ by sport types. When you click on some kind of sport you can see all activities for chosen type of sport

4 – On the right side of Home page is „fast filter“ by your location. When you choose your location (by autocomplete or „drag and drop“ marker in the map) and radius (in miles) you can see all activities in given radius from choosen location.

6 – Every activity contains buttons for „Join“ / „Leave“, button to show „List of joined users“ and activity details.



This page contains list of users and filter for searching among them.



Here you can create and add activity. Just fill in required fields, location (by autocomplete or „drag and drop“ marker in the map) and submit.



Here you can find advanced filter for searching among activities by different criteria.

When you choose criteria of filter you will be redirected to Home page where you will be able to see all activities matching choosen criteria of filter.



Here you can see and update your profile. You can change your profile photo, edit your personal information or choose type of „Paid Activity Plan“.

Using the left menu, you have acces to following items:

  • Profile – here you can view or edit your personal information
  • Activities – in this section are items for creating new activity, here you can see all activities created by you and activities which you have joined and also notifications when someone „Join“ / „Leave“ your activity
  • Messages – this is the right place to communicate with other users



If you have some questions / comments, here you can find contact information where you can address them.



This section contains information like „License Terms“, „Cookies policy“ etc.



The difference between „Single user“ and „Company“ account.

Single user activity can be joined by max. 25 users. Company user activity can be joined by unlimited number of users. For example, when you want to organize public trainings (yoga, crossfit etc.) it would be better for you to be registered as company.



You can put also your advertisement here. Every add is related to particular category of sport. When somebody filter only activities related to fitness, there will be shown adds related to this category – for example adds for fitness centers, which could help users to find suitable fitness center.

If you are interested to have your advertisement here, please contact us on mailblafkjalsfjlkasfk and we will send you further information.


Date and Time

Activity date and time is related to activity location.

Time in activities notifications (notification when someone join activity created by you) is related to servers and currently it is set to UTC-8.


Activity „highlight“

Highlighted activities are listed before activities which are not highlighted. There is better chance that a lot of people will join your activity when it is highlighted.

You can highlight single activity or you can choose paid „Activity plan“. With this plan all your activities will be highlighted automatically.


Bugs and errors

In case you find some bugs or errors, think that something does not work correctly, or you have some ideas for improvements, do not hasitate to let us know about it. You can simply write us to with description of your isuue. The more detailed description you send us, the better and faster we can fix it. You can attach printscreens too.